Shoulder Season

Definition:  The travel period between peak and off-peak season. Put another way, shoulder season is the time of the year in between the low and high seasons for a particular destination. As a rule of thumb, shoulder seasons are spring and fall.

In Ontario we are now in our shoulder season.

Colours by Flyfishingbob

The deciduous trees are starting to shed their leaves

The apples are near the end of the picking season.

Delicious apple frangipane by Bakerbob.

It is now less than 60 days to the opening of skiing/snowboarding season.

Fact:  For skiing face coverings will be mandatory while:

  • In lift lines
  • While riding the lifts
  • Entering indoor spaces

Get masked up early with flyfishingbob.

Fall brings the coveted steelhead runs in the local rivers.

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