Fingers crossed, Get vacinnated, Lets enjoy our summer,
Featured Sunset (taken Jun 4,2021 @ 9:01 pm)
Hopefullly you can be on a dock wathching a sunset soon!
An outdoor lifestyle is good for your physical and mental health health.
These are nesting sandhill cranes in the wetlands located across from my house.
Fact: Ontario's wetlands, which comprise swamps, marshes, bogs and fens, play an important role in protecting biodiversity (the mix of plants and animals in nature) and providing ecological services across the province. ... Benefits from wetlands are diverse and numerous.
Living the Dream
Why not get your special fisherman father a special Fathers day gift?
Slow down and enjoy the ride. Doesn't everone loves a sunset?
This becomes this
Just add some love (and a few other ingredients)
Vintage Baker ( A.K.A Flyfishing,Sunset,Krazy) Bob
Smile, Its good for you
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