And the Season begins!
Featured Sunset (taken Tuesday April 20,21 @8:17pm)
"Smoke on the Water"
What Season? Trout season (opened Saturday April 24)
Saving the Daffadoils one stem at a time
Fact: we recieved snow on April 11.
While April snowfall seems unusual, said Alex Erwin, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Lincoln, “It's actually fairly common.” “We typically do get one or two snow events into April,” Erwin said.
What a perfect unique "Mothers Day" gift.
You have to order by April 27 to assure delivery for Friday May 7 ( Cannot make up your mind that fast? Maybe next year or for another special occasion!)
Secret Spot
Walk mindfully and look around. You never know what is lurking in the forest?
Who does not love a homemade Cranberruy Apple pie?
Baker (Flyfisherman,Sunset, Krazy) Bob
Smile, Its good for you
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